Javascript validate earlier date than today


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I am trying to validate a date field of id 'txtDat', as follows:

I want that if the person informs an earlier date than today, show a alert("Por favor, insira uma data futura."), and if you enter a date greater than 30 days, show the alert("Por favor, insira uma data menor que 30 dias.") also, if not, it follows.

As a base I have this code that I got here in stack overflow to validate larger and smaller 65 years

var data_ano = cad.txtDat.value;
var separa = ~data_ano.indexOf("/") ? "/" : "-";
var data_array = Number(data_ano.split(separa).filter(function(e){
   return e.length == 4;

var este_ano = (new Date()).getFullYear();

if(data_array > este_ano-18 || data_array < este_ano-65){
   alert("É preciso ter 18 anos e menos de 65 anos.");

I tried instead of getfullyear the getday, tried several other things but could not do.

  • - Maybe this will help you A lot!

  • And if the date matches today?

  • 1

    Remembering that doing this by Javascript can easily be circumvented. Simply the User changes the system date.

  • @dvd do by php then?

  • @dvd if the date is today all right

  • You can do it for both. In PHP it’s for real.

  • then I will validate it by php anyway

  • @dvd but could you do this function just so I could see how it would look? if I were to use it urgently

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1 answer


You can check whether the date reported is before the current date or longer than 30 days from the current date:

function validadata(d){
   var data = d.value; // pega o valor do input
   data = data.replace(/\//g, "-"); // substitui eventuais barras (ex. IE) "/" por hífen "-"
   var data_array = data.split("-"); // quebra a data em array
   var dia = data_array[2];
   var mes = data_array[1];
   var ano = data_array[0];

   // para o IE onde será inserido no formato dd/MM/yyyy
   if(data_array[0].length != 4){
      dia = data_array[0];
      mes = data_array[1];
      ano = data_array[2];

   var hoje = new Date();
   var d1 = hoje.getDate();
   var m1 = hoje.getMonth()+1;
   var a1 = hoje.getFullYear();

   var d1 = new Date(a1, m1, d1);
   var d2 = new Date(ano, mes, dia);

   var diff = d2.getTime() - d1.getTime();
   diff = diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
   if(diff < 0){
      console.log("Data não pode ser anterior ao dia de hoje!");
   }else if(diff > 30){
      console.log("Data não pode ser mais do que 30 dias pra frente!");
      console.log("Data válida!");
<input type="date" id="txtDat" onchange="validadata(this)">

  • Thanks man, I don’t know what my TCC would be without you, you’re the guy! Next week I’ll introduce you.

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