Correct Nomenclature of User Groups of a System


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I am designing a system that will have several modules. It is possible until these modules are separated into different applications. Then came a doubt I had before but I could not get the answer:

What names should I give to the different types of users of the modules of a system? There is a pattern?

Existing example: Uber

Uber, with its drivers and passenger users, has an app for each of these types of users. Uber declares that drivers are its partners and not employees (and not customers). But what about passengers? Are Uber customers or users drivers? Understand what I mean?

My case:

In the case of my project, my client would be a number of different professionals who would be the source of income for the system, and they would be users of a module of their own. These clients have their own clients, who would use another separate module to use the services of the professionals already mentioned. These users (clients of my clients) would not pay to use the system. In addition, there are users who manage (professional) system clients, using a CRM module that will be done for this.

In the end, there are at least 4 types of users:

  • My clients
  • Clients of my customers
  • Employees of my clients, with more restricted access profile
  • My clients' managers (my employees)

So how should I name each module and its users? knowing that there is still the open module, which can be accessed without the need for authentication...

1 answer


Abstract: Profile.

You can have in the same table the two types of user, with almost equal records, being differentiated only by a profile.

Already in your application (or applications) you can have a single type of login, which asks only user and password or login by facebook/google, and when identifying the user, you also search the associated profile and directs to different pages or layouts.

This approach would be very similar to different profiles within an application, for example a trainee user can see only the query menu, an analyst user can see the query and request menus, and a manager user can see query, request, adoption and reporting. Control of which menus, features or pages, are or are not displayed depends on the type of the logged in profile and not on the user himself.

EDIT: I forgot that to say that the way you are doing is not much used, at least it is not the way I saw being done by the companies and projects I went through, unless it is a totally different application, another context, another segment, users are treated as "equal" and differentiated by profiles.

  • All these concepts I already use. The question isn’t about that. It’s about nomenclature only, and not about the technology or software architecture used. Even so thank you.

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