Calculate percentage between two MYSQL dates


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Good morning!

I wanted to calculate the percentage of how many times a classification appears between two dates, the classifications are distributed in "red", "yellow" and "green".

This is the table "questionario":

Tabela Questionario

I tried it this way:

$percentagem_verm=mysqli_query($link,"SELECT COUNT(q.pergunta_id) / * 100 as perc, classificacao FROM questionario q,
( SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM questionario) t
WHERE q.classificacao = 'vermelho' AND data BETWEEN '".$_POST["datainicial"]."' AND '".$_POST["datafinal"]."'
 GROUP BY q.classificacao "));

The dates I picked up by the URL and it works right, but the percentage that returns is wrong, it is only correct when I choose all the information from the database, but if it is a specific date it is all wrong...

3 answers


The percentage will be determined by the number of items of a certain classification divided by the total of items of all classifications, but the other filters - in your case apparently are only dates - need to be the same in the source of the total and items by classification.

That is to say: TotalClassificacaoPeriodo / TotalPeriodo.

The SELECT would look something like this:

SELECT q.classificacao, (COUNT(*) / t.Total) * 100 AS Percentual
FROM Questionario q,
  (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total 
   FROM Questionario aux 
   WHERE >= '20180201' AND <= '20180228') t
WHERE >= '20180201' AND <= '20180228'
GROUP BY q.classificacao

* I used the subselect on the Join, because the Total shall be applied only for all regions.
** Filter date is in format YYYYMMDD

Note that the filter is the same in both queries.

You can check in this scenario that I created in SQL Fiddle to demonstrate this logic working

I hope I’ve helped.

  • Perfect!! It worked just right, I added only the condition where q.classificacao='vermelho'!! Thank you very much

  • Ah, @Ana Okay. I didn’t pay attention to that detail. In the case of this filter it should only be in the external select. I will edit in the reply

  • Yes, I put out


Try something like this

select ((count(if((classificacao = 'vermelho'), 1, 0)) / count(classificacao)) * 100) as perc
  from questionario
 where data BETWEEN '".$_POST["datainicial"]."' AND '".$_POST["datafinal"]."'
 group by classificacao

If not for sure the top try without the group by

select ((count(if((classificacao = 'vermelho'), 1, 0)) / count(classificacao)) * 100) as perc
  from questionario
 where data BETWEEN '".$_POST["datainicial"]."' AND '".$_POST["datafinal"]."'


Sorry, I work more with Firebird :D

In mysql do so

select ((count(CASE WHEN classificacao like 'vermelho' THEN 1 END) / count(classificacao)) * 100) as perc
  from questionario
 where data BETWEEN '".$_POST["datainicial"]."' AND '".$_POST["datafinal"]."

Note: Just check if I put the correct names

  • I tried with your query, unfortunately not yet gave, it always returns 100% ...

  • Check out the edition of my reply

  • It worked fine, thank you very much!! I’m sorry I didn’t mark your answer as correct, I had confirmed the other first, but yours gave perfectly!

  • No problem, in case you marked mine as correct too and then removed hahaha But it goes from you what is best for your problem, helping is what matters.

  • Yeah, I’m really sorry, I still thought I could score you both, but thank you!


You are calculating the total 'SELECT Count(*) as total from questionario' always with all the records of the table while calculating the percentages by filtering the dates with the 'between'. To be correct you must calculate the total sum based on the same conditions.

  • I also tried adding up the records, but the results again were not correct! I thought I could do so Select count (*) as total from questionario as long as it had the where data between..., as I thought, it would count all the results between that date

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