How to change the date that comes from the HTML form as d-m-Y to the Y-m-d format with PHP?


Viewed 234 times


I’m having trouble with PHP code to record the date in my database. I have this code,

$data = $_POST ["data"]; 
$data = date("Y-m-d",strtotime(str_replace('/','-',$data)));

$newslleter = "INSERT INTO newslleter (data) VALUES ('$data')";

However, the date is only recorded in the database in case the user dies within the Input format: Year/month/day (Y-m-d) of the opposite type day/month/year (d-m-Y) the date is reset.

1 answer


First of all, I recommend a good read in the php manual . You will avoid a lot of headache by reading and learning some of the functions there :D

    if (isset($_POST)) { //TEM ALGO NO POST?
        $data = $_POST["data"];

        //Explode transforma uma string num vetor, separando os elementos a partir do char específicado.
        $vetData = explode("-", $data);

            echo "<pre>".print_r($vetData)."</pre>";

            Exemplo da saída Array ( [0] => 27 [1] => 06 [2] => 2018 )

        $data = $vetData[2]."-".$vetData[1]."-".$vetData[0];

        $newslleter = "INSERT INTO newslleter (data) VALUES ('".$data."')";
    } else {
        echo "Favor preencher a data antes de acessar a página";
  • Error the code you gave me, I need something to receive in the fomato Day/Month/Year and pass to the code I have --> $name = $_POST ["name"]; $email = $_POST ["email"]; $data = $_POST ["date"]; $data = date("Y-m-d",strtotime(str_replace('/','-',$data)); $newslleter = "INSERT INTO newslleter (name,email,date) VALUES ('$name','$email','$data')";

  • Right, it’s / or - friend?

  • What’s the mistake? Try to specify

  • The php code does not recognize the date that is placed within the input as day/month/year and passes the reset date to the database, it inserts the right date only when the input is the year/month/day format. Put the code does not present a specific error just do not pass the date in the first citei format, if you can help me

  • Try to change the type of the date field, probably you planned it as date, change to varchar.

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