Change title by icon


Viewed 193 times


I am still learning about Ionic. I would like to know how to change the title of the guides by an icon or a custom image.

Page 1,2,3,4





<ion-content >
    <ion-segment  class="SwipedTabs-tabs"  >
        <ion-segment-button *ngFor='let tab of tabs ; let i = index ' value="IngoreMe" (click)="selectTab(i)"
        [ngClass]='{ "SwipedTabs-activeTab" : ( this.SwipedTabsSlider  && ( this.SwipedTabsSlider.getActiveIndex() === i || (  tabs.length -1 === i&& this.SwipedTabsSlider.isEnd()))) }' >

      <!-- here is our dynamic line  "indicator"-->
      <div id='indicator' class="SwipedTabs-indicatorSegment" [ngStyle]="{'width.%': (100/this.tabs.length)}"></div>

      <ion-slides #SwipedTabsSlider  (ionSlideDrag)="animateIndicator($event)"
          <h1>Page 1 </h1>
          <h1>Page 2 </h1>
          <h1>Page 3 </h1>
          <h1>Page 4 </h1>



   import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
    import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams, Slides } from 'ionic-angular';

     * Generated class for the EmptyPage page.
     * See for more info on
     * Ionic pages and navigation.

      selector: 'page-empty',
      templateUrl: 'empty.html',
    export class EmptyPage {

      @ViewChild('SwipedTabsSlider') SwipedTabsSlider: Slides ;

      SwipedTabsIndicator :any= null;

      constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) {
      ionViewDidEnter() {
        this.SwipedTabsIndicator = document.getElementById("indicator");

      selectTab(index) {    = 'translate3d('+(100*index)+'%,0,0)';
        this.SwipedTabsSlider.slideTo(index, 500);

      updateIndicatorPosition() {
          // this condition is to avoid passing to incorrect index
        if( this.SwipedTabsSlider.length()> this.SwipedTabsSlider.getActiveIndex())
   = 'translate3d('+(this.SwipedTabsSlider.getActiveIndex() * 100)+'%,0,0)';


      animateIndicator($event) {
   = 'translate3d(' + (($event.progress* (this.SwipedTabsSlider.length()-1))*100) + '%,0,0)';

  • It would not be <ion-slide> <img src=""> </ion-slide> ?

  • So.. adding as you mentioned, just one image is inside the content. I want Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 to be an icon instead of them.. [! [looks like this][1]][1] [1]:

2 answers


for icons use tag <ion-icon></ion-icon> and for image use <ion-img width="80" height="80" src="..."></ion-img> remove {{tab}} and add the icon tag

    <ion-segment  class="SwipedTabs-tabs"  >
    <ion-segment-button *ngFor='let tab of tabs ; let i = index ' value="IngoreMe" (click)="selectTab(i)"
    [ngClass]='{ "SwipedTabs-activeTab" : ( this.SwipedTabsSlider  && ( this.SwipedTabsSlider.getActiveIndex() === i || (  tabs.length -1 === i&& this.SwipedTabsSlider.isEnd()))) }' >
        <ion-icon name="analytics"></ion-icon>

the best way to do this if static would be to add the ion-segment-button one by one in its code it is generating dynamically by ngFor and taking the values of so it generates 4 ion-segment-buttonIf you add a fifth tab it will create a new button. Example of static icons:

<ion-segment [(ngModel)]="icons" color="secondary">
  <ion-segment-button value="camera">
    <ion-icon name="camera"></ion-icon>
  <ion-segment-button value="bookmark">
    <ion-icon name="bookmark"></ion-icon>
  • Look at the image as you would like it to look like [! [Icons with blue and not red arrow][1]][1] [1]:

  • sorry had not understood, I edited the code try to put the icon inside the tag <H1></H1>

  • Keep adding the icon inside the page and not as desired

  • @Felipexst try to add a style with background-image on H1

  • can you tell me how exactly I do it? I am trying in every way to achieve it but I still have enough difficulties.

  • <H1 style="background-image: url("your url");"></H1>

  • thanks for trying to help, but still not going :(

  • I made new edits to the reply of a look again

  • Thank you very much, exactly what I wanted. I did as you said, I added one to one, in the end I got what I wanted. Thank you very much!!

  • sorry about that, but the following is happening: [! [multiple][1]][1] [1]:

  • if you put one by one remove ng for the ion-segment-button tag if the answer worked click on the button to choose the right answer obg

  • hasn’t worked yet. I believe it is something in this ngFor, when I leave it as a comment it works, but the sliding tabs do not work. is looking like the last image I posted above

  • tried the first code? only with the image without {{tabs}}

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in . ts I can edit the title where it is:" constructor(public navCtrl: Navcontroller) { this.tabs=["page1","page2","page3","page4"]; "

But I don’t know how from here ( if it’s here ) I change to an icon, or an image. If anyone understands what I want and knows something that can help, I would be very grateful. : D

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