Is there any way to format an entire row while finding word on page


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The idea is this.. when I call a function that brings values from a string included in the script I want the word(s) (s) to begin as an example:

  • & Neutral Colors

If highlight of the others, suppose some simple phrases, such as:

Cores do Arco-Íris

Cores sortidas

Diversas cores e sabores

Sem cor, apenas Neutro

Preto-e-Branco, neutro

Sabão neutro

Well, these lines should stay on "bold" already containing the words & Neutral Colors.

I’ve been betting my record on this routine:

var negrito = "cores";
var indexar = string.indexOf(negrito);
if (indexar != -1) {
    // se for diferente de -1 é que a palavra foi localizada então faça uma ação'bold';
  • It will depend on how this separate your line in the gift.

  • Because you have to know where the phrase limit is, if a phrase is bounded by a tag p for example, just put this property in the tag p, but if the separation is by an n you will have to separate this phrase, that’s what I’m trying to say.

  • But the phrases are in a tag p in html, or variables in script?

  • @Leandro In the HTML document without the tag p, it comes from the script when I click the button. It is not involved between delimiters <p>..</p> That is why I want to invest in the above routine, because you should look for the word after being brought forward, already on the page. Hence apply the formatting.

  • Formatting only the found word would be much simpler. The whole line is complicated, unless there is some non-visual mark from where it is the beginning and end of each line.

  • 1

    Take a look at this answer here on the site, I think it serves as a basis:

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2 answers


One way is to include everything in one <span> to have a reference and separate lines with \n, then make a filter and include the tags <b></b> in the text containing the words desired (explanations in the code).

var negrito = document.querySelector("body span").textContent // pega o texto da span
.split('\n') // converte em array pela quebra de linha
.filter(function(v){ // descarta valores vazios
   return v;
   if(/cores|neutro/.test(v.toLowerCase())){ // verifica as duas palavras sem diferenciar maúsculo e minúsculo
      v = '<b>'+v+'</b>'; // concatena negrito
   return v; // retorna o valor
.join('<br>'); // converte em string com quebra de linha

 document.querySelector("body span").innerHTML = negrito; // substitui o conteúdo da span
   Cores do Arco-Íris
   Cores sortidas
   Diversas cores e sabores
   Sem cor, apenas Neutro
   nada aqui
   Preto-e-Branco, neutro
   Sabão neutro


Dude I made an example here, just to give you an idea, until pq I did not understand very well where are the paragraphs that you do the match. I used the method includes() to look for the occurrence in the paragraph and I did a go through all paragraphs. I hope at least give you an idea.

var pTag = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
var i;

for(i=0; i<pTag.length; i++) {
  var p = pTag[i].textContent;
  var cores = p.includes("Cores");
  var neutro = p.includes("Neutro");

  if(cores || neutro) {
    document.getElementsByTagName("p")[i].style.fontWeight = "bold";
  } else {
    document.getElementsByTagName("p")[i].style.color = "red";
<p>Cores do Arco-Íris</p>
<p>Cores sortidas</p>
<p>Diversas cores e sabores</p>
<p>Sem cor, apenas Neutro</p>
<p>Preto-e-Branco, neutro</p>
<p>Sabão neutro</p>

  • Good news! It was almost that, but there is no p only text. But it is already valid.

  • Then trade <p> for <span>, what is the problem? Some tag has to have this blessed text, but how will you select it uniquely?

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