Send a data to the database with Node js


Viewed 44 times


I am creating a REST API, but with difficulty in sending a data to the database using 3 modules, let me show my code

rotaCliente.js on this route I receive a json with email,name,password and Cpf and send to the controller module.

const controladorCliente = require('../controladores/controladorCliente');
const db = require('../../config/config.js');

module.exports = function(app){'/clientes', (req,res) => {
        .then(resposta => {

Here is the client controller module... In the client controller I take all the data in json, and I call a module called Usuariodao that puts this data in the user table and returns me the id of the created user. Then I call the module Clientedao and put this id in the table client, the problem is there, I can not put the data in this table using this division in 3 modules, I could not copy from the user save because it uses only the route that already calls the direct DAO.

const db = require('../../config/config.js');
const ClienteDao = require('../dao/ClienteDao');
const clienteDao = new UsuarioDao(db.cliente);

const UsuarioDao = require('../dao/UsuarioDao');
const usuarioDao = new UsuarioDao(db.usuario);

module.exports.criarCliente = function(novoCliente){
    idUsuario = 0
    var usuario = {
        "nome" :novoCliente.nome,
        "cpf"  :novoCliente.cpf,


        .then(resposta => {
            idUsuario = resposta[0].id;

    var cliente = {
        "id_usuario": isUsuario

    return  clienteDao.criarCliente(cliente)
    .then(resultado =>resultado )
    .catch(erro => erro);              
  • Don’t get it, is the problem saving customers or users? Show any error in the console? Are you sure that resposta[0].id returns the correct value?

  • the problem is in saving clients, does not show error in the console, says only that failed to do the post method, and yes answer[0]. id returns the id.Thanks

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