Add multiple products to shopping cart


Viewed 613 times


I’m trying to create a simple shopping cart (at first), where I have some fixed products in the database and I’m calling them, obviously, through the Fetchall();

Okay, I made a $_SESSION and as far as I can see, that’s okay, but my problem is that when I try to add several products in the same cart, that doesn’t happen. See the code below:

$conection = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=meusprodutos', 'admin', 'nuttertools');

$query   = $conection->prepare("SELECT * FROM produtos");
$result = $query->fetchAll();

foreach($result as $produto){
    echo 'Nome do produtos: '.$produto['nome'].'<br/>';
    echo 'Qtde do produtos: '.$produto['qtde'].'<br/>';
    echo 'Preço do produtos: '.number_format($produto['preco'], 2, ",",".").'<br/>';
    echo '<a href="carrinho.php?add=carrinho&id='.$produto['id'].'">Adicionar ao carrinho</a><br/><br/>';


in the tag there is a link to 'cart.php? add=cart&id=iddoproduto'. Here is the first point:

  • I want to send the product to "cart.php" but instead, the product is going the following way: cart.php? add=cart&id=3 (<----- is product 3)

Also there is another problem. See the code below:

/* Inicializa uma sessão */

/* Verifica se já existe uma sessão ativa */
    $_SESSION['itens'] = array();

/* Inicializa uma sessão */
if(isset($_GET['add']) && $_GET['add'] == 'carrinho'){
    $idProduto = $_GET['id'];
        $_SESSION['itens'][$idProduto] = 1;
        $_SESSION['itens'][$idProduto] += 1;

/* Mostrar carrinho de compras */

if(count($_SESSION['itens']) == 0){
    echo 'Carrinho Vazio<br/><a href="index.php">Adicionar Itens</a>';
    $conection = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=meusprodutos', 'admin', 'nuttertools');
    foreach($_SESSION['itens'] as $idProduto => $qtde)
    $query = $conection->prepare("SELECT * FROM produtos WHERE id=?");
    $query->bindParam(1, $idProduto);
    $produtos = $query->fetchAll();

This code, I believe the problem is here, more specifically between checking the existence of session or showing the cart. When I click on "Add to cart" for each product there in index.php, it just leads to the page referring to your link:

localhost/Responsive/cart/cart.php? add=cart&id=1 localhost/Responsive/cart/cart.php? add=cart&id=2 localhost/Responsive/cart/cart.php? add=cart&id=3

and then of course, presents on the screen, the name of the product that is referenced ID. Good is this.

What I want is to click "add cart" in index.php and insert it below the last product (if any) in the "cart.php" reference. Am I clear? I hope yes, kkkk hate to be confused.

I hope you can help me, I added the code and I hope I’m not being too extensive on the issue. Well, this SESSION thing is new to me and I’m studying it now but I’m still answering a lot of questions, to those who can help me.

NOTE: I saw numerous other questions regarding this problem but either they had no answers or it wasn’t exactly what I needed to know. Every case is a case. If you can help me, I will be able to help those who still have no answer or you yourselves can add there the answers through what you suggested to me here.

Grateful! Att. :D

  • 1

    Do session_start(); at the top of the PHP pages

  • 2

    Why didn’t you use {} in your foreach??

  • @Marcelouchimura is already brother ^^

  • 1

    @Dudut pq I am a beast.... '----------' I did not see that..... I DID NOT SEE THAT '-' kkkkkkkkkkkkkk our bro vlw, it was just that kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  • I hope I helped. I could contribute back by voting on my answer?

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