Problem when calculating percentage using parseFloat and toFixed


Viewed 145 times


I want to do something very simple, but as simple as it is, I’m not getting it. I have an input that receives the cost value, an input that calculates and shows the profit margin in % and an input that receives the sales price. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The question is as follows, the way I got it today, the calculation is done correctly only up to the amount (R$ 999.99), when it reaches the thousands, the calculation of a wrong value, for example:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And on top of everything else, the calculation ignores the decimals. If I put a sale price being R $ 199,00 of the same profit margin that I put R $ 199,99, ie, 199,90 he sees as 199 and 199,00 he also sees as 199. It seems to be something so simple and I’m not able to do it.

Code I currently have:

var precoVenda = parseFloat($("input[name='iptPrcVendaProdutoEditar']").val());             
var precoCusto = parseFloat($("input[name='iptPrcCustoProdutoEditar']").val());
var margemLucro = parseFloat((((precoVenda - precoCusto)/precoCusto)*100)).toFixed(2);
  • I had a similar problem, try using this lib

  • You need to remove the dots and swap commas for dots before you pass parseFloat in the field values.

2 answers


function to swap characters

function replaceAll(str, find, replace) {
    return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace);

how to call function


another simple way

variavel.replace(/,/g, '.');
  • Solved 50% of the problem @Willian, now the calculation is done correctly up to R $ 999,99 and with the correct values of the decimals, but when I put a cost price being R $ 100,00 and a sale price being R $ 1000,00 it calculates -99,00% profit margin.

  • @J.Thatcher ae how I did... next the error ta no . of the 1,000.00 and just remove it, put a replace '.', 'for your input values

  • if there is an error in the profit margen pass to string, then remove the exact uqe and return to float


Can also be used split and join to convert the fields.

I put snippet to illustrate.

function calculo() {

var pv = parseFloat($("input[name='iptPrcVendaProdutoEditar']").val().split('.').join('').split(',').join('.'));

var pc = parseFloat($("input[name='iptPrcCustoProdutoEditar']").val().split('.').join('').split(',').join('.'));


(!isNaN(pv) && !isNaN(pc) ?

((pv - pc) / pc * 100).toFixed(2) + '%' :




$('input').not(':last').on('keyup', function() { calculo(); });
<script src=""></script>

Preço venda: <input type="text" name="iptPrcVendaProdutoEditar" /><br /><br />
Preço custo: <input type="text" name="iptPrcCustoProdutoEditar" /><br /><br />
Margem lucro: <input type="text" name="iptMargemLucroProdutoEditar" readonly="readonly" />

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