Handling of json in Jquery


Viewed 76 times


I have the following one-page JSON return:


They are dynamic returns, that is, sometimes they can come 1 or times 20, so I need to be able to take all the indices of each "array", and take the data of the "sub-arrays"

  • It will always come in sequence 0, 1, 2...?

  • yes. always in that sequence

2 answers


Can use for...in to iterate the object:

var json ={

for(var item in json){
   console.log(json[item]); // pega os objetos
   for(var val in json[item]){
      console.log(json[item][val]); // pega os valores

The above example takes the objects and their values in two loops. Now it will depend on how you want to take the values.

Another way is by using for normal using the maximum value of the loop the value in the key msgs:

var json ={

for(var x=0; x<json.msgs; x++){
   console.log(json[x]); // pega os objetos

  • Thank you. A with the traditional for worked very well. Good afternoon.


You have the possibility to use $each as well. Something more or less like this:

var data = [ 

$.each(data, function(a, item) {
  $.each(item, function(i, subitem) {
    if( i > 0 ){
        "indice: " + i
        + ", " + 
        "id_user: " + subitem.id_user
        + ", " + 
        "contente: " + subitem.contente
        + ", " + 
        "time: " + subitem.time
        + ", " + 
        "nick: " + subitem.nick );

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