interpretation of quicksort


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I learned Haskell, and now I’m starting to learn C. I’ve been trying to pass my quicksort code in Haskell to C but I haven’t succeeded. So I decided to look at some books and found the following code:

/* Função de inicialização da Quicksort. */
void quicksort(char *item, int count)
    qs(item, 0, count-1);

/* A Quicksort. */
void qs(char *item, int left, int right)
    register int i, j;
    char x, y;

    i = left; j = right;
    x = item[(left + right)/2];

    while(item[i]<x && i<right) i++; // DUVIDA 1
    while(x<item[j] && j>left) j--;  // DUVIDA 1

        y = item[i];
        item[i] = item[j];
        item[j] = y;
        i++; j--;
 while(i<=j); // DUVIDA 2

 if(left<j) qs(item, left, j);
 if(i<right) qs(item,  i, right);

Doubt 1) I did some desktop tests, compiled and ran with some entries and could not figure out why to put && i<right and && j>left while being that own item[i]<x and x<item[j] already makes the appropriate checks.

Doubt 2) For this code it would no longer be correct to put only while(i<=j) instead of do while(i<=j).

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1 answer


Quicksort works, in pseudo code, as follows:

1) Escolha um elemento do vetor, chamado de pivo.
2) Ordene o vetor de forma que todo elemento menor que o pivo
esteja a esquerda dele e todo elemento maior esteja a direita.
3) Aplique os passos 1 e 2 para os dois "vetores" resultantes, o
de elementos maiores e o de elementos menores.

Function quicksort of your example and only a wrapper for the function qs.

Function qs and the one that makes the steps I described above:

i = left; j = right;
x = item[(left + right)/2];

x and our pivot, in this case always the element that is in the middle of the vector (I won’t get into the merits of the discussion if this is a good pivot or not).

    while(item[i]<x && i<right) i++;
    while(x<item[j] && j>left) j--;

Now, what it does is, from the beginning of the vector, but without going beyond j, which marks the end of the vector, increment i as an element that is in position i is less than the pivot, and the same for j. Hence, to the end of these two whiles above, all elements with smaller Dice that i are smaller than the pivot and all elements larger than j are larger than the pivot. It does this because we do not need to move in these elements, since they respect the fact that those of the left pivot are smaller than he and the right bigger.

After those two whiles we also know that the item[i] > x and item[j] < j, or i >= j.

If i < j, we know, then, that item[i] > x and item[j] < x. Soon, we both changed places and 'arranged' the vector until this point. Then we increase i and decrease j to analyze the next elements.

As for your doubt 2, the do...while(i <= j) and the while(i <= j) sao identicos, since inside the while it makes the check. Then went to like the fregues :P

Note: This code must be from an old reference, since it uses the word register, that "does nothing".

Another thing is that the quicksort in Haskell is much simpler, but this doing exactly the same thing:

quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort []     = []
quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort greater)
                  lesser  = filter (< p) xs
                  greater = filter (>= p) xs

The p and the pivot, lesser are all elements of the list smaller than p and greater the largest. Calls to the function filter that let the quicksort somewhat better.

  • So if I omit && i<right and && j>left do while will give problem ? What I was most doubtful was that, for I executed without && i<right and && j>left and worked perfectly.

  • Yes, it will be a problem. Try to rotate with an ordered vector in reverse, such as 5 4 3 2 1.

  • I tested without && i<right and && j>left using 5 4 3 2 1 how my vector and worked the same way. I’ve done the "table test" with some vectors and haven’t seen the usefulness of && i<right and && j>left. Most likely I’m not seeing it, because in many places I found quicksort implemented in this way with && i<right and && j>left. If possible, show me at what point in this example of 5 4 3 2 1 that this implementation is necessary.

  • Thinking now, when the pivot is always the middle element I think is not relevant at all. But if its pivot were the last element of the vector, it could be a problem. In most decent implementations of quicksort the pivot is chosen more or less randomly, then it is important to. In what you put, however, I think you have it or not.

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