Good afternoon Personal,
I am trying to compile my project in Xamarin Forms and this giving error:
Gravidade Código Descrição Projeto Arquivo Linha Estado de Supressão
Erro ***Falha inesperada da tarefa "Aapt".***
System.AggregateException: Um ou mais erros. ---> System.FormatException: A cadeia de caracteres de entrada não estava em um formato correto.
em System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
em System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
em Xamarin.Android.Tasks.ManifestDocument.CalculateVersionCode(String currentAbi, String versionCodePattern, String versionCodeProperties)
em Xamarin.Android.Tasks.Aapt.GenerateCommandLineCommands(String ManifestFile, String currentAbi, String currentResourceOutputFile)
em Xamarin.Android.Tasks.Aapt.DoExecute(ITaskItem manifestFile, ParallelLoopState state, Int32 loop)
em System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.<>c__DisplayClass30_0`2.<ForEachWorker>b__3(Int32 i, ParallelLoopState state, TLocal local)
em System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.<>c__DisplayClass17_0`1.<ForWorker>b__1()
em System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
em System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvokeWithArg(Task childTask)
em System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c__DisplayClass176_0.<ExecuteSelfReplicating>b__0(Object )
--- Fim do rastreamento de pilha de exceções internas ---
em System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
em System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
em System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait()
em System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForWorker[TLocal](Int32 fromInclusive, Int32 toExclusive, ParallelOptions parallelOptions, Action`1 body, Action`2 bodyWithState, Func`4 bodyWithLocal, Func`1 localInit, Action`1 localFinally)
em System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEachWorker[TSource,TLocal](TSource[] array, ParallelOptions parallelOptions, Action`1 body, Action`2 bodyWithState, Action`3 bodyWithStateAndIndex, Func`4 bodyWithStateAndLocal, Func`5 bodyWithEverything, Func`1 localInit, Action`1 localFinally)
em System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEachWorker[TSource,TLocal](IEnumerable`1 source, ParallelOptions parallelOptions, Action`1 body, Action`2 bodyWithState, Action`3 bodyWithStateAndIndex, Func`4 bodyWithStateAndLocal, Func`5 bodyWithEverything, Func`1 localInit, Action`1 localFinally)
em System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach[TSource,TLocal](IEnumerable`1 source, ParallelOptions parallelOptions, Func`1 localInit, Func`4 body, Action`1 localFinally)
em Xamarin.Android.Tasks.Aapt.Execute()
em Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
em Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.<ExecuteInstantiatedTask>d__26.MoveNext()
---> (Exceção Interna N° 0) System.FormatException: A cadeia de caracteres de entrada não estava em um formato correto.
em System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
em System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
em Xamarin.Android.Tasks.ManifestDocument.CalculateVersionCode(String currentAbi, String versionCodePattern, String versionCodeProperties)
em Xamarin.Android.Tasks.Aapt.GenerateCommandLineCommands(String ManifestFile, String currentAbi, String currentResourceOutputFile)
em Xamarin.Android.Tasks.Aapt.DoExecute(ITaskItem manifestFile, ParallelLoopState state, Int32 loop)
em System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.<>c__DisplayClass30_0`2.<ForEachWorker>b__3(Int32 i, ParallelLoopState state, TLocal local)
em System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.<>c__DisplayClass17_0`1.<ForWorker>b__1()
em System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
em System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvokeWithArg(Task childTask)
em System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c__DisplayClass176_0.<ExecuteSelfReplicating>b__0(Object )<--- AppRDVAUX.Android
Someone could help me solve?
2> AdditionalAndroidResourcePaths: (TaskId:495)
2> Libraryprojectjars: (Taskid:495) 2> Extraargs: --no-version-Vectors (Taskid:495) 2> Createpackageperabi: False (Taskid:495) 2> ResourceNameCaseMap: layout\Tabbar.axml|layout\tabbar.xml;layout\Toolbar.axml|layout\toolbar.xml;drawable\LogoAntigoAraguaina.png|drawable\logoantigoaraguaina.png;drawable\DevByAcesso.png|drawable\devbyacesso.png;drawable\IconAraguaina.png|drawable\iconaraguaina.png;drawable Araguaina240360.jpg|drawable araguaina240360.jpg; (Taskid:495) 2> Versioncodepattern: {Abi}{versionCode:D5} (Taskid:495) 2> Versioncodeproperties: (Taskid:495) 2>C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Msbuild Xamarin Android Xamarin.Android.Common.targets(1942,3): error MSB4018: Unexpected "Aapt" task failure. 2>C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Msbuild Xamarin Android Xamarin.Android.Common.targets(1942,3): error MSB4018: System.Aggregateexception: One or more errors. ---> System.Formatexception: The input string was not in a correct format.
Check the version of Java, Android SDK, Windows and Visual Studio.
– Tony
Hello Tony, Android sdk is 25, Java is 8, windows 10 and visual studio 2017. My application was running smoothly, so I put an image in it (image without special characters) and it kept compiling, only out of the blue it started to give this error. I saw in another topic a guy teaching to pick up the bug in more detail, I will edit the post and put what I found.
– Q.Wesley
Is it something related to format / options used when was generated this PNG file ? You tested with another file ?
– Tony
I haven’t tested with another file yet, I’ll try.
– Q.Wesley
Deletes all files (resoucers) from my project and compiled again, continues the same error.
– Q.Wesley
You must have changed the properties of the android project. Specifically the field
Version Number
, must be with invalid content, which cannot convert to numeric. I think his intention was to change theVersion Name
. Take a look there.– Diego Rafael Souza
Hello, it was exactly that, after searching enough just changed the version number in Android Manifest, recompiled and ended the error.
– Q.Wesley
@Q.Wesley Beauty. I have recorded as a response to posterity =)
– Diego Rafael Souza