Inserted in a list of lists in python


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I would like to fill in a list where each position of the same was a list.

lista = [[], [], []]

have an input: 44 45 49 70 27 73 92 97 95

and I would like to list the numbers so that the Index is mod of each number by 13.

Ex: 44%13 = 5
27%13 = 1

lista = [[ ],[27,92],[ ],[ ],[95],[44,70],[45,97],[ ],[73],[ ],[49],[ ],[ ]]
          0     1     2   3    4     5       6     7    8   9   10   11  12

however my problem 'and insert in the internal list, since every time q I will insert, all internal lists have the same value. ex: lista = [[1,2],[1,2]]

OBS.: the input can change the internal list soon n has a set size

3 answers


The problem lies in its creation of lists. If you had created the list as you put it above, with all internal lists explicitly created, the problem would not happen - because each internal list is a separate object:

In [1]: a = [[], []]

In [2]: a[0] is a[1]
Out[2]: False

In [3]: a[0].append("teste")

Out[4]: [['teste'], []]

But to shorten the code, you must have used integer multplication as a way to concatenate a sequence with itself. In this scenario, all internal list entries are references to the same external list:

In [6]: b = [[],] * 2

In [7]: b
Out[7]: [[], []]

In [8]: b[0] is b[1]
Out[8]: True

In [9]: b[0].append("teste")

In [10]: b
Out[10]: [['teste'], ['teste']]

In your case, as only mod %13 wants, the solution could be to simply state the internal lists explicitly, as you put in the question statement. But, even this is a little inconvenient and little readable (someone reviewing the code would have to keep counting the 13 repeats) - and for larger numbers is unfeasible.

The correct then is to use one for so that a new list is created at each loop execution. In the case of Python we have the convenient syntax of list-comprehensions that allows the for in a single expression:

lista = [[] for i in range(13)] 

In that case, the part of the words [] which creates a new list runs once for each value of i, and becomes a member of the external list - and the problem you describe will not happen.


First, by the problem reported about lists being at the same values, you are getting started wrong. If you do:

>>> lista = [[]]*13
>>> print(lista)
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]

You will create a list with 13 lists, but they will all be the same reference. If you add a number in one of them:

>>> lista[0].append(1)
>>> print(lista)
[[1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1]]

All will receive the value.

Empty list lists (Python)

You need to do:

>>> lista = [[] for _ in range(13)]

So each sub-list will be an independent list and when you add a value, it will be the way you expect it:

>>> lista[0].append(1)
>>> print(lista)
[[1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]

So just add the numbers in the respective positions:

for numero in numeros:
    lista[numero % 13].append(numero)

Thus remaining:

[[], [27, 92], [], [], [95], [44, 70], [45, 97], [], [73], [], [49], [], []]



listaNum = '44 45 49 70 27 73 92 97 95'.split(' ')


listaRes = []
for num in listaNum:
    listaRes.append([int(num) % 13, int(num)])


dictRes = dict()
for num in listaNum:
    dictRes[int(num) % 13] = int(num)

As already commented, I believe that dictionaries can be an interesting choice for a key/value case. Unless you have another specific reason to use the list.

  • 1

    That’s not exactly his problem! He needs to add num in a list in the index int(num) % 13, what would have the list he put in question: [[ ],[27,92],[ ],[ ],[95],[44,70],[45,97],[ ],[73],[ ],[49],[ ],[ ]]

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