Jasper - conflict of versions


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inserir a descrição da imagem aquiGood morning! Guys, I’m having trouble trying to change an application report. This pdf report was created in version 6.2.0 and even using version 6.2.0.final I cannot generate the file . Jasper by version conflict. I can’t upgrade in the app to a newer version because there are other reports from other teams in the same application. I have tried with several other versions of Jaspersoft and in all I have the same problem, even changing the version in the option to generate .jasper. Could someone help me please?

  • Rodrigo, you can include more information, such as error message, print of what was done, among other things. So users will be easier to help you

  • Thanks for the tip!

  • Friend doesn’t seem to find the . class of your entity , adds the classpath of the compiled classes so that it can read the Beans ? , after all Classnotfound is an excesses caused by not finding the Itempedidopdf class

  • Thanks Denis, I’ll do it here and return if it worked

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