Pick up json from Postman and play on an object


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Have POST and use the Postman to test. Mount the url and body in Postman. Now, when I test on my object on mine Controller comes NULL, and of course it’s because I didn’t do it correctly. What do I have to do? Controller

public class OptoutClientController : Controller
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

    public IActionResult Unsubscribe([FromBody]OptOutCliente cliente)
        return Ok();



public class OptOutCliente
    public Int64 Cpf { get; set; }
    public String Email { get; set; }
    public String Telefone { get; set; }
    public String Bandeira { get; set; }
    public String Canal { get; set; }

Body do Postman

"Cpf": "128907",
"Email": "[email protected]"
"Telefone": "971418418",
"Bandeira": "CB",
"Canal": "EML"


How do I get this json from the gold side in my controller?



inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Put the code Postman generates to better understand what is happening.

  • @What do you mean, Mayconf.Castro? I don’t understand. When I break into Controller, I have nothing, but I think it’s because something else is missing and I don’t know what it is.

  • The breakpoint is being hit there in the Controller, in the Unsubscribe method?

  • Add the Postman screen print to see how it is

  • How you are sending this request to the controller?

  • @Tony, I’ve put the Postman image in the edit

  • Body’s content needs to be the json specified in the question and the URL would end in /Unsubscribe. That’s why you’re giving null?

  • Decorates the controller with [Produces("application/json")] and please add the request you are making in the post to the route TesteClient/Unsubscribe. Another point checks whether the Postman request is set to "POST" and "Body" set to JSON(application/json).

  • The client variable comes null and I’m forgetting something, I know it and I don’t know what it is. The way it is, client should or should not be NULL?

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1 answer



My json was wrong, it missed a comma after the email. I just thought it was strange that Postman didn’t scream, it went smoothly. I thought about everything but Postman, because he spun and I thought he was correct. I didn’t notice the red "X" in him.

A friend told me so: "When you try everything and find no solution, it is because the problem is bullshit, usually lack of attention".

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