Python stopped working visual studio code


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I created 2 classes, being that one imports from another and gave error in the import. I searched the internet and told to go in the command palette and choose the interpreter (on my system only has one: Python 3.6 (64bit) - Windows. I clicked there, restarted Vscode and lost the import error warnings. But now no python file works. I played the answer on the internet, including in English, but I could not find a solution.

Python path in vscode Settings: python.pythonPath": "C: Users xxxxx Appdata Local Programs Python Python36 python.exe"

xxxxx = my windows username.

OBS: command prompt works perfectly for python scripts.

Follow the image with the error, and also the text error right after:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

PS C: python> : The term '' is not recognized as cmdlet name, function, script file or operable program. Check the spelling of the name or, if a path has been included, see if the path is correct and try again. In line:1 character:1 + py test. + ~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Categoryinfo : Objectnotfound: ( [], Commandnotfoundexception + Fullyqualifiederrorid : Commandnotfoundexception

Suggestion [3,General]: The command was not found, but exists at the current location. By default, Windows Powershell does not load commands for the current location. If you trust this command, type: ".". See "get-help about_Command_Precedence" to get more details. PS C: python>

  • 1

    Have you tried python

  • Yes, after reading your comment I tried with python in front and it also doesn’t work. I installed Tom and the same problem is happening. I also removed python from the environment variables and inserted again, both the directory and the executable and did not help. I tested at windows prompt once again and it keeps working.

  • And tried the .\ as the error message suggests?

  • (Yes, . I tried before reinstalling. ) I reinstalled python, now it’s working, like you said, typing python in front...but is there any way to get back to what it was before? just the name of file?

  • Are you using the right Powershell? See this: Use python in Vscode but with cmd in terminal.

  • I use the powershell for visualcode, because it uses it. (I don’t even know how to get into it from somewhere else, I know there’s a command in cmd or something, but I’ve never used it, I’ve only seen someone use it). Anyway I tried to do what they said there but it didn’t help either...but to tell you the truth I didn’t quite understand what the guy meant by that: $env:path="$env:Path;C: Python27".... I opened the environment variables and tried to insert it and it didn’t work, I tried by cmd or powershell also did not give....

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