MD5 MVC encryption


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I have to do an encryption in a web application. I am using the following method to encrypt the password.

// Criptografa a senha
    public string GerarMD5(string Senha) {

        // criptografia MD5

        MD5 md5Hasher = MD5.Create();

        // Criptografa o valor passado
        byte[] valorCriptografado = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Senha));

        for (int i = 0; i < valorCriptografado.Length; i++) {

        // retorna o valor criptografado como string
        return strBuilder.ToString();


In the class where I create the account I use the following call to encrypt the password.

// Cria usuarioDTO
            UsuarioDTO usuarioDTO = new UsuarioDTO()
                Nome = model.Nome,
                SobreNome = model.SobreNome,
                Email = model.Email,
                Usuario = model.Usuario,
                Senha = GerarMD5(model.Senha),

            // Adiciona ao DTO

            // Salva

So far so good, he encrypts the password. My problem is when checking the generated hash with the password that the user will type, I tried the following way.

Method to check hash:

// Verifica se o valor é compativel com o hash passado
    public bool verifyMd5Hash(string valor, string valorCriptografado)
        // Criptografamos o valor passado como parâmetro
        // utilizando o mesmo método citado no artigo anterior
        string NovoValorCriptografado = GerarMD5(valor);

        // Criamos uma StringComparer para compararmos os dois hashs gerados
        StringComparer comparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase;

        //Se os valores forem iguais, retorna true, ou seja, o valor
        // passado corresponde ao Hash
        if (comparer.Compare(NovoValorCriptografado, valorCriptografado) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

Done this method I try to call the same in the login class

// POST: /conta/login
    public ActionResult Login(LoginUsuarioVM model)
        // Verifica o status da model
        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            return View(model);

        // Verifica se o usuário é válido

        bool isValid = false;

        using (Db db = new Db())
            if (db.Usuarios.Any(x => x.Usuario.Equals(model.Usuario) && (verifyMd5Hash(x.Senha, model.Senha))))
                isValid = true;
        if (!isValid)
            ModelState.AddModelError("", "Usuário ou senha inválida.");
            return View(model);
            FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Usuario, model.Lembrar);
            return Redirect(FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl(model.Usuario, model.Lembrar));

When testing it returns me the following error. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My logic may not make much sense, but I would like a help, what would be the best way to check the hash so that this program right.

1 answer


The problem is in this line of code

if (db.Usuarios.Any(x => x.Usuario.Equals(model.Usuario) && 
                         (verifyMd5Hash(x.Senha, model.Senha))))

More specifically, in the second line.

Because, how are you using the method Any() of a IQueryable the predicate passed by parameter to the method will be converted to SQL and LINQ To Entities (the tool doing this conversion) does not know the function verifyMd5Hash.

Basically, you would need to get the user from the database and compare the hashs in remembrance.

var usuario = db.Usuarios.First(u => u.Usuario == model.Usuario);
if(verifyMd5Hash(usuario.Senha, model.Senha)) { }

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