I would like to collect statistics from an MPI application
To save the application running on a single machine, I can use the command:
perf record mpirun -np $NUMBER_OF_CORES app_name
However, when executing this command to distribute the task on more than one machine, the recorded events are only from the local machine - which I triggered the execution
To register each of the processes, I created a script that calls the perf in each of the sub-processes
perf record -m 512G -o "${app}-${RANDOM}.perf.data ${app}
And I do it as follows:
mpirun -np $NUMBER_OF_CORES perf_record.sh app_name
However, the generated files did not record any event
The app_name-123.perf.data file has no samples!
1 - What I’m doing wrong?
2 - Is there any other tool that is more suitable to use with MPI applications?
Obs, I’m really interested in the time spent on each of the program functions and not the time of communication