Upload photo with HTML5 and PHP input camera


Viewed 529 times


I’m using the new method of uploading photos where to use the phone he opens the camera and if using a computer he opens the files... but if I try to upload the photo by cell phone it just doesn’t happen, unlike if I upload it by computer, he does normally, someone could help me?


<input type="file" name="foto" accept="image/*" capture>


$foto = $_FILES['foto']['tmp_name'];
$foto_nome = Limpar($nome_vinho).'-'.$safra.'-'.$vinicola;
$local = "assets/uploads/vinhos/";
$extensao = strtolower(substr($_FILES['foto']['name'],-4));
$final = $local.$foto_nome.'.'.$extensao;

move_uploaded_file($foto, $final);
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