Chat Javascript does not return function


Viewed 233 times


I heard that the Firebase is an API that helps create real-time apps, but following a little I know about JS, I tried to create a chat. I did not understand exactly why I could not return message.

below I leave the study code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>


  <div id="mensagens"></div>

  <input type="text" id="nomeusuario" placeholder="digitar nome">
  <input type="text" id="mensagem" placeholder="digitar mensagem">

    var APP new Firebase("");

        $("#mensagem").keypress(function (e) {
            if (e.Keycode == 13) {
                var = msg $("#mensagem").val()
                var = usr $("#nomeusuario").val()
                APP.push({ nomeusuario: usr, mensagem: msg });



        APP.on('child_added', Function(mostra) {
              var novamensagem = mostra.val()//para receber a mensagem
              carregaMensagem(novamensagem.nomeusuario, novamensagem.mensagem);

        function carregamensagem(nome, mensagem) {
            .prepend($('<strong/>').text(nome + ': '))

            $('#mensagens')[0].scrollTop = $('#mensagens')[0].scrollHeight;


2 answers


I saw some mistakes:

Change this

var APP new Firebase("");


var APP = new Firebase("");

Change this

var = msg $("#mensagem").val()
var = usr $("#nomeusuario").val()


var msg =  $("#mensagem").val();
var usr = $("#nomeusuario").val();

change this

APP.on('child_added', Function(mostra) ...


APP.on('child_added', function(mostra) ...

The rest is correct in my view.


Beyond what was spoken above by Edgar, on the line where it has this:

 APP.on('child_added', Function(mostra)

change it, the word "Function" should be lowercase

APP.on('child_added', function(mostra)

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