Doubt - Dependent Combobox with Classic ASP


Viewed 407 times


I have two tables in SQL: One of groups that has two columns: id and group

One of products that has three columns: id, group and product

In the products table, the column "group" is equivalent to the column "id" of the groups table.

I am trying to make an inclusion form in a third table of entries (columns: group, product and input).

In this form, there is a combobox in which the user selects the Group and, when selecting the Group, only the Products related to it should appear in a second combobox. (similar to state/city combobox).

The web page is connecting right in the database, but I’m not able to make the dependent combobox.

I built it this way:


SET RS_grupo = conexao.execute("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[nova_pd_grupos] ORDER BY grupo")

grupo1= RS_grupo("grupo")


<select class="custom-select custom-select-sm" name="idgrupo" onChange="location.href('index.asp?idgrupo='+formulario.idgrupo.options[formulario.idgrupo.selectedIndex].value)">
                                <% while not RS_grupo.eof%>
                                <% if grupo <>"" then
                                   if grupo = grupo1 then
                                   response.write "<option value="&idgrupo&"&grupo1="&grupo1&" selected>"&grupo1&"</option>"
                                   elseif grupo <> grupo1 then
                                   response.write "<option value="&idgrupo&"&grupo1="&grupo1&">"&grupo1&"</option>"
                                   end if
                                   response.write "<option value="&idgrupo&"&grupo1="&grupo1&">"&grupo1&"</option>"
                                   end if




Combo of products:

<% if request.querystring("idgrupo") <> "" then %>
                                <select class="custom-select custom-select-sm" name="produto">
<%  SET RS_produto = conexao.execute("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[nova_pd_produtos] where grupo = "&request.querystring("idgrupo")&" order by produto asc;")
                                while not RS_produto.eof

                                   grupo = request.querystring("grupo")
                                   produto1 = RS_produto("produto")
                                <option  value="<%=produto1%>,<%=grupo%>">

                                <% end if %>

However, in the group list appear 13 options, all with the name of the first option. And there’s nothing on the list.

Can someone help me? ASP classic (vbscript).

Thank you!

  • 1

    The option will never change because grupo1 never changes. Put the grupo1= RS_grupo("grupo") and idgrupo=RS_grupo("id") at the beginning of while.

  • All right, now the list of group options appears, but the combobox with the list of products does not appear yet. I think there is something wrong in the way the onChange event is structured when selecting the group.

  • Did you solve it? Is there something wrong with the answer? Please give feedback.

1 answer


There are two problems with the code:

Place variables from the bank at the beginning of the first while, otherwise they will not be changed and will have the same value within the loop:

while not RS_grupo.eof
   grupo1= RS_grupo("grupo")

And the onchange is with wrong syntax. The correct is:

onchange="location.href = 'index.asp?idgrupo='+this.value"

The this.value will return the value of option selected.

  • I could solve it, but using ajax... the onchange it doesn’t change at all.

  • Cool! With Ajax tb is another way to load the data.

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