Poll with PHP


Viewed 59 times


10 users will answer a poll with 19 options equal to all, each answer is saved in the database in a table called 'votes' with the following structure: id: 1 - user_id: 1 - answer: {user response}

I want to count all 10 responses and show the most voted, for example. 3 people voted 'CASA'. 5 people voted 'WORK' option and 2 people voted 'LEISURE'.

How can I show that the most voted was WORK and that 5 people voted for her?

  • if the answer field is varchar-like you may have problems, but I believe all you need to do is a Count in the response field and group by user.

1 answer


If I understand your question correctly ...

and if the table is like this .....


then select is this

Select resposta, count(resposta)
from votos
group by resposta
having count(resposta)=(Select max(A.CNT)
from (Select count(resposta) as CNT
from votos
group by (resposta)) as A)

and the result is this


  • It works. But I didn’t understand anything kkkkkk.

  • @Vitorleite, because it is, has to give a researched/ studied in each query clause for you understand, Count, group, having. Now if the answer served mark it as accepted.

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