In the application I inform the start and end time of the activity, and save this information in the bank.
Segue Query:
$status = $_GET['status'];
$intervalo = $_GET['intervalo'];
$dataini = $_GET['horainicio']."<br>";
$horainicio = date('H:i:s',$dataini);
$datafim = $_GET['horafinal']."<br>";
$horafinal = date('H:i:s',$datafim);
$qtdtentativas = $_GET['qtdtentativas'];
$destino = $_GET['destino'];
$skill = $_GET['skill'];
$pacing = $_GET['pacing'];
$prefixo = $_GET['prefixo'];
$query = sprintf("update bettaivr.public.ivr_campanha set status = %d,horainicio = %d,horafinal = %d, intervalo = %d, pacing = %d, qtdtentativas = %d where id = %s",
$status,$horainicio ,$horafinal ,$intervalo, $pacing, $qtdtentativas,$campanha);
However I can not keep the schedules in the bank, it returns 0 always. How can I keep this schedule in the bank?
Error signaled when executing query:
Problem with query update bettaivr.public.ivr_campanha set status = 0,horainicio = '0', horafinal = '0', interval = 20, pacing = 1, qtdtentativas = 5 Where id = 4
What kind of data is in the time field of the database?
– Wees Smith
this as team in the bank.
– Willian Lima
time fields are among apostrophes??
– Wees Smith
no bank. in the application are as demonstrated, I added the answer that comes from the bank
– Willian Lima