Fluent Nhibernate does not load daughter tables


Viewed 22 times


I have 3 related tables: Lesson (Id (PK), Name) Lessonquestion (Id (PK), Lessonid(FK), Title) Lessonquestionanswer (Id (PK), Lessonquestionid(FK), Value)

My Model:

public class Lesson : Entity
  public virtual String Name { get; set; }
  public virtual IList<LessonQuestion> Questions { get; set; }

public class LessonQuestion : Entity
    public virtual String Title { get; set; }
    public virtual IList<LessonQuestionAnswer> Answers { get; set; }

public class LessonQuestionAnswer: Entity
    public virtual String Value { get; set; }

My Mapping:

        public LessonMap()
            Id(s => s.Id);
            Map(s => s.Name).Not.Nullable();
            HasMany(s => s.Questions)
                .Component(s => { s.Map(x => x.Title); });

    public LessonQuestionMap()
        Id(s => s.Id);
        Map(s => s.Title).Length(1000).Not.Nullable();

        HasMany(s => s.Answers)
            .Component(s => { s.Map(x => x.Value); s.Map(x => x.IsRight); });

    public LessonQuestionAnswerMap()
        Id(s => s.Id);
        Map(s => s.Value).Length(1000).Not.Nullable();

When I run the List I get the following:

    "data": {
        "count": 1,
        "offset": null,
        "limit": null,
        "entries": [
                "name": "Aula1",
                "questions": [
                        "title": "Title Question 1",
                        "answers": null,
                        "identifier": null
                        "title": "Title Question 2",
                        "answers": null,
                        "identifier": null
                "identifier": "6670147eddd74d5cb51af9032afa9339"

I have record in Lessonquestionanswer table related to the "Title Question 1" record, but it is not loaded.

Does anyone know what might be going on?

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