Filter data on Bindingsource without using %


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I load the data from a database into a Bindingsource and use it to make searches.

The same is tied with a datagridview, whose return me the data sought, at the moment I am using LIKE to do these searches, but it is not pleasing me see the example below:

ValorProcurado = Par*3/4*3          >>>>> aqui estou tentando procurar um parafuso 3/4x3 na minha tabela

Dim Tabela As New BindingSource

Dim Valores() As String = Split(ValorProcurado, "*")
Dim Valor As String = ""
Dim ValorFiltro As String = ""

For Each Valor In Valores
            If ValorFiltro = "" Then
                ValorFiltro = "'%" & Valor & "%'"
                ValorFiltro = ValorFiltro & " AND " & ColunaFiltro & " LIKE '%" & Valor & "%'"
            End If

Tabela.Filter = "Descricao LIKE " & ValorFiltro

The way I am doing I can search the values, but it is not searched in the sequence I put, I wanted in this example above that the datagridview returns me items that start with "pair" and then following the sequence had "3/4" and then had "3".

  • This is VB?.....

  • yes sorry....

  • That part here ValorProcurado = Par*3/4*3 shouldn’t be a string, like: ValorProcurado = "Par*3/4*3"

  • Yes, it’s already that way, the code is working, but as I explained I wanted the search to be sequential and not the way it is

  • The clause WHERE should not have OR instead of AND? Because that way you’re limiting the spectrum of results too much.

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