I need you to return the total monthly data according to the MONTH and YEAR parameter reported.
I did it this way:
WHERE a.dt_mesano_referencia between
to_date('01/'|| :NR_MES ||'/'|| :NR_ANO ||' 00:00:00', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') and
last_day(to_date( :NR_MES ||'/'|| :NR_ANO ||' 23:59:59', 'mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))
But when executing, I get the following error return:
There’s another way to do it?
I just took your Where condition and put in a query "from Dual" and ran without errors. Are the parameters being sent correctly? There are more conditions in the consultation?
– Confundir
What kind of field
, I executed here also worked out...– David