Passing data via post HTML JAVASCRIPT


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Hello, I am doing a college job, an academic control, and when trying to remove a tuple from the database by passing the "id" of the tuple via post form, the value arrives either empty or Undefined. Follows the code:

            <%for(var i=0; i<lista.length; i++){%>
                    <td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric"><%=lista[i].matricula%></td>
                    <td><button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-button--colored" src"admin/alteraAluno" href="admin/formAluno">Editar</button></td>
                        <form  action="removeAluno" method="POST">
                            <input type="hidden" name"matricula" value="<%= lista[i]%>"/>
                            <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-button--colored">Remover</button>

Up here you have a table and two buttons, one to change, not yet implemented, and one to remove that when arriving at javascript comes empty or Undefined

  var removeAlunoUniversidade = function(req, res){
    var connection = app.infra.connectionFactory();
    var adminDAO = new app.infra.AdminDAO(connection);

    var lista = res.body;


    adminDAO.removeAlunoUniversidade(lista, function(err, result){

};'/admin/removeAluno', removeAlunoUniversidade);

I wonder what I’m missing and if there’s any other way to do it.

  • I don’t know if your code is identical, but your input is missing with error, it is name"matricula".... change to name="matricula"

  • Thanks, it worked, detail went unnoticed! agr it n ta removing from the database, it follows function: Admindao.prototype.removeListenUniversity = Function(matricula, callback){ console.log(matricula); this. _Connection.query('DELETE FROM student WHERE aluno.matricula set ? ', license plate, callback); }

  • All settled!

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