How to calculate the Quantity of the even numbers of this vector?


Viewed 980 times


Create a vector with 7 integer elements. Print the largest and smallest, without sorting, the percentage of even numbers. Only this percentage is missing.

         echo "Maior valor: ".max($num);
         echo "</br> Menor valor: ".min($num)."</br>";

         foreach ($num as $numero){
                echo "$numero ";



1 answer


Check that the rest of the division of each number by 2 is equal to 0. If it is, add to a counter.

// Porcentagem de pares
$array = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
$contador = 0; // Responsavel por contar o numero de pares
foreach($array as $numero) {
    if($numero % 2 == 0) {
$porcentagemPares = ($contador/6)*100; //Divide o numero de pares pelo numero total de elementos e multiplica por 100
echo "Porcentagem de pares " .$porcentagemPares. "%";

Working example:

  • Thanks! : ) Thank you!

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