Script php and ajax does not run on my machine


Viewed 57 times


I am making a registration system and for this I am using php and ajax, I made the two pages correctly I believe, when I run the script the validations I put in php perform perfectly and returns success, but when I check the database no data was inserted, I do other Serts in the bank and it works normally, I thought the code was wrong but I ran the same project in another maquia with the same script of the bank and ran it, I tested it several times and in all of them ran in this other machine, This registration is the only part of my project that time works time does not work, can someone give me a light ? thank you in advance.



   class anuncio {

        private $cd_anuncio;
        private $dt_criacao;
        private $nm_titulo;
        private $ds_anuncio;
        private $cd_usuario;
        private $nm_estado;
        private $nm_cidade;
        private $nm_bairro;

        public function anuncio($nm_titulo,$ds_anuncio,$cd_usuario,$nm_estado,$nm_cidade,$nm_bairro)


        public function AddAnuncio()

            $query = mysqli_query($conexao,"INSERT INTO tb_anuncio(dt_criacao,nm_titulo,ds_anuncio,cd_usuario,nm_estado,nm_cidade,nm_bairro) VALUES (NOW(),'$this->nm_titulo','$this->ds_anuncio','$this->cd_usuario','$this->nm_estado','$this->nm_cidade','$this->nm_bairro')");
               $result = $conexao->query($query);
                  return $result;


         public function Ver()

            return "data: $this->dt_criacao title: $this->nm_titulo Desc : $this->ds_anuncio CD : $this->cd_usuario ESTADO : '$this->nm_estado CIDADE: $this->nm_cidade Bairro : $this->nm_bairro";



php that communicates with ajax



    $nome = $_POST['nome'];
    $sobrenome = $_POST['sobrenome'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $sexo = $_POST['sexo'];
    $telefone_fixo = $_POST['telefone'];
    $telefone_movel = $_POST['celular'];
    $senha = $_POST['senha'];

$verifica = mysqli_query($conexao,"SELECT * FROM tb_usuario WHERE nm_email = '$email' AND cd_senha = '$senha'") or die("erro ao selecionar");     
        if (mysqli_num_rows($verifica)<=0)
    if(isset($nome,$sobrenome,$email,$sexo,$telefone_fixo,$telefone_movel,$senha) AND is_numeric($telefone_fixo) AND is_numeric($telefone_movel))
            $objeto_usu = new usuario($nome,$sobrenome,$telefone_fixo,$telefone_movel,$email,$sexo,$senha);
            // retornando ao sucesso no registro
                // retornando ao ajax dados inválidos
            // retornando ao ajax checkd false
    // retornando ao ajax email já cadastrado

Ajax script

< !-- jquey for login user registration-->

        var url = '../ibico/php/insere_usuario.php';
        function carregando()
                var dados = $(this).serialize();
                  type: 'POST',
                  data: dados,
                  beforeSend: carregando,
                  success: function(retorno){

                    $('.emailCadastrado').html("Email já cadastrado !");

                    } else if (retorno==2)
                    $('.emailCadastrado').html("É preciso aceitar os termos para continuar !");

                    } else if (retorno==3)

                      $('.emailCadastrado').html("Preencha apenas números nos campos telefone e celular");

                    } else



                      alert("Cadastro realizado com sucesso !");
                     window.location.href ="index.html";


                // alert(retorno);

              // window.location.href ="index.html#modalentrar";


      return false;
  • What doesn’t work exactly? Ajax? Ajax is returning messages?

  • The ajax works and the return, what is not working I believe is php, only I tested on another machine several times the same script and worked, I’ve done it and I’ve rewritten it three times it works and then it goes back to error I don’t know what’s going on it can be my machine ?

  • my mysql sometimes presents some error messages, I started using only phpmyadmin but I did not succeed

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