Vertical alignment in a div with position:Bsolute


Viewed 226 times


would like to know if it is possible to carry out the vertical-align in a div with Absolute position? Follow the code to analyze:

.teste {
    background: #F00;
    width: 500px;
    height: 100px;
    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: middle;

Link to the code:


  • you want to align the contents of the div to the center?

  • maybe this question will help you:

  • Cesarmiguel not necessarily, I want to be able to use the vertical-align as a whole( top, Middle, bottom )

2 answers


For that you need to put the text amid <p></p>:

<div class="teste">
   <p>Hue BR<br/>Hue BR<br/>HUe BR</p>

The way you did, it would only work if it was on table:

        <td aling="middle" height="100" style="background:red">Hue BR<br/>Hue<br/>HUe BR</td>

  • 1

    is Luiz discover that it is only possible using the display:table-Cell( a decpeção ) but is part of it. Thanks for the XD response


It is possible yes, it only gets a little longer. It is necessary to create another DIV within the one that will have absolute position:

<div class="teste">
  <div class="testeInterna">
     Hue BR<br>Hue BR<br>HUe BR

...and pass all properties to her (except position:Absolute)

.teste {

   background: #F00;
   width: 400px;
   height: 200px;
   vertical-align: middle;

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