Specification? What is the best term?


Viewed 61 times


In programming the term is used specification to include features a system has, but need to know the term for when to go to a site, for example: The site may have up to 5 pages, includes contact form etc and social networking links.

What categorical term for this subject? Specification is right to talk about what it includes on a website without being a system?

  • 2

    I would describe how resources maybe...

  • 1

    Kind of weird for website, for system combines well

  • 1

    This appears to be withdrawal of requirements.

1 answer


Yeah, no problem at all.

The term "specifications" is usually a reduction of the term "requirements specifications".

And requirements specifications have to do with description of activities that will determine the purpose of the system/project and all constraints associated with it.

Specify that "The site may have up to 5 pages, includes contact form etc and social networking links." is a way to describe and restrict what the project can have.

I would be more "specific" and take out the "etc", making a list like this:

  1. Be 5 pages long
  2. Have 1 form for contact
  3. Have links to social networks X, Y and Z

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