Needing Help in Vector C Exercises


Viewed 51 times


Why aren’t you showing the 15 numbers? And how to include 3 numbers at the beginning of this vector?

int main()

   int v[30];
   int i,x;

   for(i=0; i < 15; i++)
       printf("Digite 15 numeros");
       scanf("%d", &v[i]);
   printf("%d Os numeros escolhidos foram:", v[i]);


1 answer


Just putting v[i] in print, you cannot print because you are not indicating which is the index i. To print all you must make a loop the same way you did to read, but with a printf instead of scanf:

for(i=0; i < 15; i++){
    printf("%d\n", v[i]);

I just did that and spun it. (I also added the include <stdio.h> at the beginning of the file but I suppose you’ve already put).

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  • And how do you add 3 numbers at the beginning of this vector? , obg for the first answer

  • Just put the number in the index you want, like this: v[0] = 20; v[1] = 21; v[2] = 22;

  • 1

    Oh understood now, you want to add three more numbers but keep the ones that were already? for this I believe that I have to shift the current numbers to other positions, type v[3] = v[0]; v[4] = v[1]; v[5] = v[2]; (but you have to do this for all elements of the vector, then you can do a for with v[i+3] = v[i];) then you can put new values in the first positions.

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