POST method in Angular


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I have a simple Angular application and need to make a call to my API to get one token. But I am facing difficulties. I will try to explain a little about my flow.

I created a service class where I only ask her once to store a token. This token comes from an API, but this API does not return me a token on every call, because this token has a lifespan of 15min. When the API returns a token to me, it comes in this format:

{access_token: "32-GaypcnKItxyYBhc9HRINLebbzuoWul9q0zNitHq0ZVIcVGB…AV2LoFg3uoY6xNIMExkKEbGyda_5Z0RXFnKdi6UsBPH5b-Lwa", token_type: "bearer", expires_in: 3599}

If it comes in this format, my intention is to take this token received by the API and store it within my class said above.

If the API does not return a Token to me, the answer comes in this format:

Response {_body: "{"error":"deny","error_description":"permitido som… autenticação por aplicação à cada 15 minuto(s)"}", status: 400, ok: false, statusText: "Bad Request", headers: Headers, …}

Informing by _body, an error described: 'allowed sound... authentication per application every 15 minute(s)'.

If it comes in this format, my intention is to enter the class I entered and get the token that is in the class said above.

When the API returns a Token, I can pick it up. But when it does not return a Token, I cannot catch the token that is stored in the class.

Could someone please help me? Down here the trial code

Service class

 ObterToken(): Observable<any> {
  const header = new Headers();
  header.append('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
  const bodyOptions = { 
      grant_type: 'password',
      username: 'varejo_user', 
      password: 'w6h5xgtl'
  const body = `grant_type=${bodyOptions.grant_type}&username=${bodyOptions.username}&password=${bodyOptions.password}`;

  return`${ApiDeSegurança}`, body, new RequestOptions({headers: header}))
      .map(response=> response.json());

ObtendoToken(): string {
  return this.tokenModel.token;

AdicionandoToken(token: string): void {
  this.tokenModel.token = token;

Component executing the service class method

ngOnInit(): void {
    this.apiDeSegurancaService.ObterToken().subscribe(res => this.token = res);

Edited question

Worked that way:

  ngOnInit(): void { 
    this.apiDeSegurancaService.ObterToken().subscribe( res => { 
        }, error => { 
            this.token = this.apiDeSegurancaService.ObtendoToken();

However, I need to perform another method with this token, so I need to perform this other method only when this first request is answered! How can I do that?

Thank you in advance.

  • by returning 400 the angular will treat as error, in this case instead of treating the subscribe vc you have to use the cathError,

  • ngOnInit(): void { this.apiDegurancaService.Get token(). subscribe( res => { this.token = res } , error => { this.error = error } ); } .

  • 1

    @Lucasbrogni, that way I got the token. I posted the ngOnInit code in an issue of the question. Thank you. But I have another question. I need to use this token to perform another method, now GET, passing the token as parameter... I will describe it better in the question edition. But anyway, thank you...

  • William, I will put my answer there as an answer, if you can mark it as an answer. Hugs.

1 answer


you can receive error handling by adding a sequence of the answer.

ngOnInit(): void { 
    res => { 
       this.token = res 
    }, error => {
       this.error = error 
  • Would you have any idea about my second question please?

  • William, give me the link that tomorrow I take a look. Today I was well run here and could only enter a few times. As soon as I can help you.

  • I didn’t quite understand her here by this topic :

  • Can I create a new question and send you the link?? in order to clarify my question? Thank you in advance..

  • Yes you can @Guilhermenunes in what I can help I will help hehehe, hugs.

  • There is the link to the new question:ários-requições-dependents-no-angular

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