Is there a tag that makes internet explorer work like other browsers?


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Are there any tags that make internet explorer work like other browsers? Like the display grid and other things.

  • 1

    That does magic, basically, no. The support for these technologies depends exclusively on the browser development team, if they do not implement, there is nothing to do. Nor is it a generic solution to all problems, each requiring a solution. CSS Grid has partial IE11 support prefixed -ms-. If that’s not enough, you’ll probably need another CSS like fallback to prevent the layout stay broken.

1 answer


A specific tag doesn’t exist as far as I know. But there are ways for you to get around it.

An example is the use of the tag @supports, with it vc can make a fallback if the browser does not support the Grid. as in the Example below. Link to the Mozilla documentation

@supports (display: grid) {
  div {
    display: grid;
@supports not (display: grid) {
  div {
    float: right;

Another way is by using the Modernizr for example with it vc can create a "pack" of rules that will activate the CSS according to the version of the user’s Browser.

Here’s a basic example

  if (Modernizr.NovaFeature) {
  } else {

Apart from that I would say it would be good practice to include in <head> of that page tag

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

She tells older versions of IE that they should behave like Edge. You can read more about this in this question What is the function of the X-UA-Compatible meta tag within HTML

OBS: But none of this guarantees that you will be able to make Grid run in IE versions that do not support Grid for example!

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