I have a problem of slowness in a transaction that usually performs pings to check if certain IP’s are accessible. It turns out that this transaction tests more than 20 different IP’s, which makes the total transaction time 2 minutes. To decrease the total time of this transaction, I tried to implement asynchronous methods to test these IP’s simultaneously, but was unsuccessful. Below follows code implemented so far.
public async Task<List<Foo>> Testar(List<Foo> lista)
Task<Foo>[] teste = new Task<Foo>[lista.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < lista.Count; i++)
teste[i] = Verificar(lista[i].IP);
for (int i = 0; i < lista.Count; i++)
lista[i].Status = await teste[i];
return lista;
public async Task<Status> Verificar(string ip)
int retorno = await TestarIP(ip);
return ((Status)retorno);
public async Task<int> TestarIP(string ip)
if(new Ping().Send(ip, timeOutPing).Status.Equals(IPStatus.Success))
return 1;
return 2;
The code runs as soon as the page loads (no onload), but even using Async/Await, is having the same runtime as before. So how can I create threads to test these ip’s simultaneously?
Diego, could you post an example code using Task.Waitall(tasks)? In the meantime, I’ll try to implement as you indicated...
– Fabio Elvino