Error in [.data.frame`(attr, , Region) : Undefined Columns Selected


Viewed 943 times


I’m willing to use the fortify to plot a graph in R:

PaísX <- fortify(BRmap, region = "ID_2") %>%  
  mutate(id = as.integer(id)) %>%
  full_join(BRmap@data, by =c("id" = "ID_2")) %>%
  select(c(id, long, lat, order, hole, piece, group, NAME_2))

But when I turn the line, you make that mistake:

Error in [.data.frame`(attr, , Region) : Undefined Columns Selected<

Brmap is a shapefile that can be found in

  • 1

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1 answer


The error is occurring because the column ID_2 does not exist in the object BRmap, as the error message is stating.

When reading the file downloaded from the page indicated, we can verify that none of its columns is named ID_2, but there’s the column GID_2 (I don’t know if it’s the one you really want to wear).

BRmap <- readRDS("gadm36_BRA_2_sp.rds")
 [1] "GID_0"     "NAME_0"    "GID_1"     "NAME_1"    "NL_NAME_1" "GID_2"    
 [7] "NAME_2"    "VARNAME_2" "NL_NAME_2" "TYPE_2"    "ENGTYPE_2" "CC_2"     
[13] "HASC_2"   

Something that helps a lot is debugging the codes built with the pipe Operator (%>%) is to run the code that goes to a pipe, and then to the next one and so on. This helps to identify where the error is. In this case the error is already in the first line.

In addition, I recommend removing the line with the mutate(...), because Ids are not numerical, and by converting them to integers you will have only NA column-wide.

[1] "BRA.1.1_1" "BRA.1.2_1" "BRA.1.3_1" "BRA.1.4_1" "BRA.1.5_1" "BRA.1.6_1"

Finally, we have:

PaísX <- ggplot2::fortify(BRmap, region = "GID_2") %>% 
  full_join(BRmap@data, by =c("id" = "GID_2")) %>%
  select(c(id, long, lat, order, hole, piece, group, NAME_2))

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