Error in C list of structures


Viewed 48 times


I’m working on a list of structures code, where I have a structure called Cad that contains the registration fields, name and salary. And a list containing a field of type struct Cad that stores the fields of struct Cad in list form. So the code goes like this:

#define MAX 5

struct cad
    int mat;
    char nome[30];
    float sal;

struct lista
    int fim;
    struct cad memo[MAX];

typedef struct lista lista;
typedef struct cad cad;
int main()
{   lista l;
    cad x;
    int opc, pos;
    l.fim = -1;

    opc = menu();
    case 1: //enfileirar
                printf("Lista Cheia ");
                printf("Matricula = ");
                scanf("%d", &x.mat);
                printf("Nome = ");
                printf("Salario = ");
                scanf("%f", &x.sal);
                inserir(&l, x);

        case 2: //remover
                printf("Lista vazia ");
                printf("\n matricula = %d", x.mat);
                printf("\n nome = %s", x.nome);
                printf("\n salario = %f", x.sal);

However, when creating a function capable of removing the information in one of the positions of struct Cad memo, I think of the error "incompatible types when assigning to type 'Cad' from type 'int'|"

The remove function was like this:

struct cad remover(lista *l)
    int i;
    struct cad aux;

    aux = l->memo[0];
    for(i=0;i<l->fim; i++)
        l->memo[i] = l->memo[i+1];
    return aux;

Could someone please enlighten me as to why this mistake?

  • Its structure is not a linked list. Usually when it is called "list" it is expected to be a linked list behavior. You presented a vector with a limiting index.

  • On this issue, the duties are declared before the main? If they are not, some old C compilers assume that the return is int

  • 1

    By the way, don’t use float for monetary purposes:

  • Hello Is this your complete code, or is there another part? If you have and can post I believe it will help a lot to find the error. Because I’ve seen some errors here, you’re coding a list with no pointers, it’ll be hard to get your code right. If you have more post code here, in case you want to create a list that contains, enrollment, name and salary and do the insertion and removal of this information ?

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