VS Code is not searching in library folders (Vendor, node_modules, etc) after updating


Viewed 368 times


After I updated my VS Code, by pressing the shortcut CTRL+P, I can no longer view third-party library classes installed in the folder vendor.

I noticed that the same behavior occurs for the folder node_modules.

How to solve this?

1 answer


To solve this, just press the shortcut CTRL + , (or File >> preferences >> Settings) and add the following line to the configuration:

 "search.useIgnoreFiles": false

That solved the problem.

It is important to remember that you do not always want searches to be done in some folders. To ignore specific folders, use the following line in the settings:

 "search.useIgnoreFiles": {
       "./node_modules" : true

Remember that if you want to use this setting specifically for just one project, do this edit in "Workspace Setting" instead of "User Settings".

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