how to take the initial and final schedules and store in two variables with javascript?


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how to take initial and final schedules and store in two variables with javascript?

var hora1 =  '9h - 22h'
   var hora2 = '12h - 21h'

    var1 = 9
    var2 = 22
    var3 = 12
    var4 = 21

using substring could not because they vary dynamically..

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3 answers


You can do it this way with while by checking whether the variables hora exist and creating the variables var separating the values with .split:

var hora1 = '9h - 22h';
var hora2 = '12h - 21h';

var hora = var_ = 1;

while(window['hora'+hora]){ // enquanto existir variáveis iniciando com "hora" + um número sequencial começando do 1
   var quebra = window['hora'+hora].split(" - "); // converto em array com dois índices
   window['var'+var_] = parseInt(quebra[0]); // primeiro valor pegando apenas o número
   window['var'+(var_+1)] = parseInt(quebra[1]); // segundo valor pegando apenas o número
   hora++; // incremento em +1
   var_ += 2; // incremento em +2

console.log(var1, var2, var3, var4);

Remember that to use window[], the variables must have an overall scope.

If it’s just these two variables (hora1 and hora2), can do so:

var hora1 = '9h - 22h'
 ,  hora2 = '12h - 21h'

 ,  quebra = hora1.split(" - ")
 ,  var1 = parseInt(quebra[0])
 ,  var2 = parseInt(quebra[1])

 ,  quebra = hora2.split(" - ")
 ,  var3 = parseInt(quebra[0])
 ,  var4 = parseInt(quebra[1]);

console.log(var1, var2, var3, var4);


var hora1 = '9h - 22h'.split('-'); //uso o 'split' para isolar cada valor

var h1 = hora1[0].replace(/h\s|h|\s/g, ''); //uso 'replace' com uma 
var h2 = hora1[1].replace(/h\s|h|\s/g, ''); //expressão regular para remover espaços e a letra 'h'


You can use the String.prototype.split()

var hora1 = '9h - 22h'
var hora2 = '12h - 21h'

var hora1array = hora1.split('-')    
var hora2array = hora2.split('-')

var1 = hora1array[0]
var2 = hora1array[1]
var3 = hora2array[0] 
var4 = hora2array[1]
  • Only one parseint (hora1array[0]) was missing. This function will eat everything that is not number, that is, the "h" and the white spaces that were in the split

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