Manipulate data. js with angular-cli


Viewed 40 times


Hello! I am now starting to mess with angular and I have a server.js file that makes a call in the database and back the data. I need an interface to display this data. My question is: how do I capture the data from the file. js and manipulate them into an angular-cli design?

From now on, thank you.

  • How this file makes the call?

  • Usually via an http request. It is industry standard to have a front end and backend separation.

  • Rebecca, we need to better understand your problem, please include the parts where the code is most relevant, and that can help us help you, explain your problem better. I recommend reading on tour to better understand how the site works!

1 answer


Diego, I used the Ms SQL driver. Eduardo, it’s a very simple application, I didn’t want to separate. The query is ok, I just wanted to take this data and display in an interface.

  • Hello Rebecca, to reply comments use the comments function. The answer field should be used only for answers to the question itself.

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