Crud with Mongodb and C# error in type or namespace


Viewed 63 times


Accompanying a Macoratti tutorial here, errors appear in three types. I don’t know what to add to solve. I Copy and Paste and gave error. Below the code:

using MongoDB.Driver;
using System;
using System.Configuration;

namespace Mvc_MongoDB.Models
    public class PaisDB
        public MongoDatabase Database;
        public String DataBaseName = "PaisDB";
        string conexaoMongoDB = "";

        public PaisDB()

            conexaoMongoDB = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conexaoMongoDB"].ConnectionString;
            var cliente = new MongoClient(conexaoMongoDB);
            var server = cliente.GetServer();

            Database = server.GetDatabase(DataBaseName);

        public MongoCollection<Pais> Paises
                var Paises = Database.GetCollection<Pais>("Paises");
                return Paises;

Mistake here: Mongodatabase => Type or Namespace cannot be found

Mistake here: Getserver => Mongoclient does not contain a definition for Getserver

Mistake here: Mongocollection => Type or Namespace cannot be found

How do I fix it?

1 answer


My dear fellow, this may change depending on the version of the mongoDb driver but I always suggest downloading the latest version. The modifications I am going to suggest here were obtained from Official Documentation of Mongodb

About the reported problems I made the following modifications:

Mongodatabase : Change to IMongoDatabase

Getserver : Remove this function and directly get the DB instance

Mongocollection : Switch to Imongocollection

using MongoDB.Driver;
using System;
using System.Configuration;

namespace Mvc_MongoDB.Models
public class PaisDB
    public IMongoDatabase Database;
    public String DataBaseName = "PaisDB";
    string conexaoMongoDB = "";

    public PaisDB()

        conexaoMongoDB = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conexaoMongoDB"].ConnectionString;
        var cliente = new MongoClient(conexaoMongoDB);
        Database = cliente.GetDatabase(DataBaseName);

    public IMongoCollection<Pais> Paises
            var Paises = Database.GetCollection<Pais>("Paises");
            return Paises;

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