EFD-Reinf Sending Problem (SPED)


Viewed 376 times


I have a problem sending the EFD-Reinf, when I try to transmit I have the return of the webservice of the following message:

The underlying connection was closed: Unexpected error in an upload. ---> System.IO.Ioexception: Unable to read transport connection data: Forced cancellation of an existing connection by the remote host.

At this time:

WebResponse webresponse = request.GetResponse();

Someone’s been through it?

  • your code ? if you put an example we can also test

  • 1

    Luiz, did you install the Serpro certificate chain on this machine? I just saw that in the EFD-REINF developer’s manual there is no such procedure, but in eSocial, which is very similar, there is. And you’re informing a digital certificate to make the connection? See this answer (on eSocial, but for EFD-REINF as well): https://answall.com/a/277471/86952

  • Pedro on this machine I transmit NF-and the strings are installed, and the certificate I am using to sign the reinf xml is e-cnpj.

  • I tried to transmit today again, to see if it is the webservice that is with problem, and this occurring the same failure.

  • Managed to solve the problem Luiz?

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