Change the . NET 4.5 project to 4.5.2, how to do it?


Viewed 1,941 times


I installed . NET 4.5.2 on the machine, restarted Windows 7 and, after opening the project, went to Debug > Projeto.Properties > Application and tried to change the version by combo Target Framework, but there appears the version 4.5.2.

I have already looked at the Regedit and the . Net is updated there, also tried to reinstall it and asks to repair, which indicates the installation of this version.

My Visual Studio is the 2013 with update 3, the operating system is Windows 7 Ultimate.

Besides installing, I need to do something to be able to change the . NET version of the project?

  • I was thinking here you may have another problem. Have you installed Without it you will not have certain functionalities in VS. Tell me this p/ give a complement in the answer.

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1 answer


If you’ve installed the Microsoft . NET Framework 4.5.2 Developer Pack it’s all right and you don’t have to do anything else.

You develop for version 4.5. Version 4.5.2 is just an update in-place fully compatible with 4.5. That is, if you develop for 4.5, it will run well in 4.5, 4.5.1 or 4.5.2 and 4.5.3 if you do. Your application will use the most current version that is installed on the user’s machine. When you define that you are using version 4.5 in your application, you are just saying that you cannot use a previous or incompatible version (a future version 5, for example, could be incompatible with 4.5). You don’t have to worry about micro-versions. Good.

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