How to put a program online?


Viewed 70 times


There is a shared (google) spreadsheet in which several users edit and watch it simultaneously. For those who have used the shared spreadsheet google know that when someone starts writing all see in real time. Finally I build a program with some extra features to replace this shared spreadsheet (I used python 3.x and Tkinter) the problem is that I have no idea how to put this program online for several users (at most 120) to use simultaneously. e.g. someone started typing something and everyone saw it (like the google spreadsheet). If someone who understands the problem and can at least guide me what I should research/study I will be eternally grateful !


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    The problem is to put online so that everyone can access or appear in real time the modifications of each user? By the way, already take advantage to [Edit] the question and add relevant codes to facilitate the understanding of the problem.

1 answer


Putting online implies each user’s network connections. Each network connection will have a latency. The process of editing in real time by several clients in a network is a great challenge. One technique used is the use of websockets.

The data flow is as follows::

  1. User A asks the server for the Planilla page

  2. User B also asks

  3. User A sends an edit command to the server

  4. The server broadcasts to all connected clients

  5. Each client software executes the command received by broadcast.

  6. User B observes the edit command of user A in real time.

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