Manipulation of records (regedit)


Viewed 123 times


I have an application developed in windows Forms that handles some records in the following way: "HKLM SOFTWARE MINHAEMPRESA etc...". This application was run as an administrator and I never had a problem with handling these records, for some business reasons, my application can no longer run as Adm and with that I can no longer manipulate these records.

I would like to know if there is any place in the records that the recording and reading can be performed through an app with no Adm rights, and that this location is available to all users.

Note: I cannot choose another solution other than the records, because the manipulated values are read by a third party application which does not have the source code. The operating system on which the application is installed is windows 10.

  • 2

    No administrator privileges can only be written to HKEY_CURRENT_USER

  • @LINQ thanks for the reply, would know me inform me if writing on this site is accessible to other users?

  • No, it’s just for the current user.

  • You change these values or only in the installation of your application?

  • Frequently downloaded by @Leandroangelo

1 answer


  • 2) Possibly not very suitable, but likely to read/write as well


A key in the Windows registry to write without using administrator credential, accessible by any user, and in place of HKLM\SOFTWARE\MINHAEMPRESA\....

Use a key intended to merge values between HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classe | & | HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classe


The added values HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT will record HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes


  • When you write some value in key:....................................HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT

  • And the value already exists in the key:..................................HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes

  • System will save this value in:.........................HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes

  • Instead of saving/adding/replacing in:...........HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes

Here is the suggestion to read this more about using the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT on that issue in SO/en and MS Docs!

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