I have a project that updates data through a stored procedure (delete, Insert, update) with a long duration not determined. I would like to present a progress bar with time not determined during the execution period of the procedure. I have no experience in progress bar. Can anyone explain how to implement?
private void btActualizar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_IDSave = _ID;
_CartaoSave = _Cartao;
// Chama o form onde se escolhe o ano de Contabilidade (cada ano um database!)
frmEscolhaDeAnoContabilidade frmRefresh = new frmEscolhaDeAnoContabilidade();
string dataBaseName = frmRefresh.dataBaseName;
string anoContabilidade = frmRefresh.anoContabilidade;
if (dataBaseName.Length > 0)
string timeRefresh;
string deletedRec;
string newRec;
string updatedRec;
string errorMessage;
string resultText;
// Tornar visivel e por a funcionar a barra de progresso
progressBarRefresh.Visible = true;
progressBarAdatfrissites.Show(); // É necessário?
// Chamo assim o procedimento armazenado
// Findar a barra de progresso
if (General2.DsRefreshCartaoByYear.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
timeRefresh = General2.RefreshCartaoByYear.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TimeRefresh"].ToString();
deletedRec = General2.RefreshCartaoByYear.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DeletedRec"].ToString();
newRec = General2.RefreshCartaoByYear.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NewRec"].ToString();
updatedRec = General2.RefreshCartaoByYear.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UpdatedRec"].ToString();
errorMessage = General2.RefreshCartaoByYear.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ErrorMessage"].ToString();
if (errorMessage.Length > 0)
resultText = "Sem resultado! \n" +
"Erro: " + errorMessage;
resultText = "Frissítés eredmény: \n" +
"Időpont: " + timeRefresh + ", Könyvelési év: " + konyvalesiEv + "\n" +
"Törölt tételek száma: " + deletedRec + ", Új teételek száma: " + newRec + ", Módosult tételek száma: " + updatedRec;
.Where(x => x.Cells["ID"].Value.ToString() == _IDSave)
.Selected = true;
namespace Total_accounts
class General2
public static void RefreshCartaoByYear( string _Database)
SqlCommand commSQLCommand = new SqlCommand();
SqlDataAdapter daSqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
SqlCommandBuilder cbSQLCommandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder();
SqlConnection connSQLServer1 = new SqlConnection();
SqlDataReader dataSQLDataReader = null;
dsRefreshCartaoByYear = new DataSet();
connSQLServer1.ConnectionString = General.STRConnection; //strConnection;
commSQLCommand.Connection = connSQLServer1;
commSQLCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
commSQLCommand.CommandText = "spRefreshCartaoByYear";
commSQLCommand.CommandTimeout = timeOut;
daSqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = commSQLCommand;
cbSQLCommandBuilder.DataAdapter = daSqlDataAdapter;
commSQLCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@strpmDatabase", _Database);
daSqlDataAdapter.Fill(dsRefreshCartaoByYear, "tableRefreshCartaoByYear");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message);
if (connSQLServer1 != null)
if (dataSQLDataReader != null)
it seems that the command is running on the same thread of the form, to place a progress bar, you would have to run on another thread, or display another window with the slider
– Rovann Linhalis
I tried to implement many of the examples I read, unfortunately I could not do what I want. Can you give more details? I would be very grateful. Thank you for your contribution
– Uby