what I must do to authenticate the user correctly


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I’m in need of help to authenticate users on my site but I don’t know what the sql variable that I hosted returns when you find the right user what I put in if?

include  'conexao.php';
$conexao = conexao::getInstance();

$login = $_POST['login']; 
$senha = $_POST['senha'];

$sql = "SELECT * FROM tabela  WHERE login = '$login' AND senha = '$senha'"; 

if ($sql== ? ) {
    echo "login efetuado ";
}else {
    echo "Login ou senha invalidos tente novamente...";

  • First, what API is using to manage the bank? MySQLi or PDO? Second, read about SQL Injection. Third, if the last line of code should redirect the user, the header name was missing Location. Also it doesn’t make much sense you print the message in the body of the reply if it will redirect.

2 answers


User validation and a delicate thing, you have to think hard about the security issue. I recommend you use PDO, take a look at manual.

I’ll leave a simple example for you to base

if(isset($_POST["login"])&& $_POST["login"]=="login"){
  $usuario = trim($_POST["usuario"]);
  $senha = trim($_POST["senha"]);

  if (empty($usuario)) {
    echo  "<script>alert('Informe o usuário!');</script>";
  }else if (empty($senha)) {
    echo  "<script>alert('Informe a senha!');</script>";
    try {
      $stmt = $pdoMySql ->prepare("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
      $stmt = $pdoMySql ->prepare("SELECT * FROM usuario WHERE  usuario = ?, senha = ? LIMIT 1;");
      $stmt->bindParam(1, $usuario);
      $stmt->bindParam(2, $senha);

      //Se cair aqui e porque usuário exisste
      if ($linha = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
        //Controle para sessão em outras páginas
        $_SESSION["loginok"] = true;
        //caso precisar esses dados em outras pagi8nas
        $_SESSION['usuario'] = $usuario;
        $_SESSION['senha'] = $senha;
        echo " <script language= \"JavaScript\"> location.href=\"index.php\"  </script>";
      } else {
        echo  "<script>alert('Usuário não existe!');</script>";

    } catch (\Exception $e) {


Using what PHP provides, you should work with the functions Password Hashing of PHP.


You must create and store the password hash in some repository (database, etc...). To perform the hash, you must use the function password_hash

$passwordHash = password_hash($_POST['password'] , PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

In the first parameter is the password you want to store and the second is the algorithm that will be used for the password. According to the manual (which you can also read in this answer), it is recommended to use PASSWORD_DEFAULT.

The hash that is generated will always be different, and, as an example, for the password teste123, generated the hash below:


You can check this link for hash generation: https://3v4l.org/3eDee


When validating the password, you must use the function password_verify. As the example below:

password_verify ($_POST['senha'], $hash);

Being the variable $hash, the hash that was returned by the function password_hash and saved in the Torage.


$senha = "teste123";
$hash = '$2y$10$kPsVvPp8Z1K73vEW/fHcHewbkkQNTN0JOdLPEwoydf8y4pO32Ixqu';

echo password_verify ($senha , $hash) ? 'Senha válida' : "Senha inválida";


Valid password

Code in operation: https://3v4l.org/ksn1J

Authentication and Security

To further improve authentication security, there are a few steps to follow. The first is not to differentiate between invalid user or password. Because the attacker, knowing that a user is valid, will focus only on him to try to locate the password.

Second, there’s something called Timming Attack. That, briefly, consists of checking how long the algorithm takes to respond that the password is invalid and comparing these times with different passwords, to locate correct characters within a password. You can read about it at this link

The function password_verify already has defense against Timming Attack, but should be used correctly.

With that in mind, we can arrive at the following script:

//criado utilizando o seguinte código: password_hash("dummy_password" , PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
define("DUMMY_PASSWORD" , '$2y$10$bev5nl962WWcwa1G2gyXyunkKY77Xf7OTr.1I3zcl7Qd4zFYCqXjC');

$usuario = $_POST['usuario'];

$pdo = new \PDO(/** dados de conexão**/);
$statement = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM user WHERE login = ?');
$row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

    // Usuário não existe
    // A validação é feita em uma senha qualquer 
    //para que o tempo de resposta entre uma consulta que o usuário não exista
    //e uma consulta que o usuário exista e a senha esteja errada seja o mesmo.
    password_verify("" , DUMMY_PASSWORD);

    throw new \RuntimeException('Usuário/Senha não confere');//usuário não existe, mas a mensagem é genérica para evitar força bruta

if(!password_verify($_POST['senha'] , $row['password']))
    //usuário existe, mas a mensagem é genérica para evitar força bruta
    throw new \RuntimeException('Usuário/Senha não confere');

echo 'usuário logado';

The library was used PDO to simplify connection to the database and protect against SQL Injection.

Remember, this is just an example algorithm, with a secure and effective form of login/authentication. Session creation details, redirect, should be implemented as needed.

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