Copy cells when identifying Worksheet_change change (Excel VB)


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I am new in VB and I am trying to make an operation that copies some information from the spreadsheet "Control Backup Clients" to the spreadsheet "LOG". The process will be as follows: Excel when detecting change in any cell of the column N of the sheet "Control Backup Clients", should copy the respective value of column A (called client code) and paste in the next blank line of the sheet "LOG", where will be recorded all the changes made.No caso da Imagem, as próximas colunas tais, como Data de Alteração ira utilizar a função =HOJE(), Data Correção será o mesmo valor que foi inserido na coluna N

Below follows the code I did, but every time it presents error of "Required Object" and I can not find the problem

Dim celChave As Range
Dim codCliente As Long

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    'celChaves onde fica guardado as celulas que serão alteradas
    Set celChave = Sheets("Controle Backup Clientes").Range("N2:N1048576")

    If Not Application.Intersect(celChave, Range(Target.Address)) _
           Is Nothing Then

        codCliente = Sheets("Controle Backup Clientes").Select(0, 1)
        Sheets("LOG").Select(1048576, 1).End(x1Up).Offset(1, 0).Paste
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Sheets(Sheets("LOG").Select(1048576, 1).End(x1Up).Offset(0, 1)).FormulaR1C1 = "=TODAY()"
        Sheets(Sheets("LOG").Select(1048576, 1).End(x1Up).Offset(0, 2)).Paste = codCliente

        MsgBox "CORREÇÃO SALVA NO LOG! CELULA (" & Target.Address & ")"

    End If 
End Sub
  • Behold this answer, avoid the use of select and on which line the error is presented?

  • Another detail: Range(Target.Address) It seems to me to be a redundancy, because Target is already a Range. Moreover, as Daniel has already pointed out, it is essential to say in which line the error happened. I drove here in Excel and only gave error in us Selects, because of the invalid syntax, but it was not required object (bad method was called).

  • Thanks @danieltakeshi for the tips, helped me a lot!

1 answer



After a lot of research and study, I was able to solve my problem. I will explain in more detail the problem and the solution.

I have two spreadsheets, one Clients (I bring this listing of a database in SQL), where you have the client’s general data (codcli, name, cnpj, etc.), and the other is the Log spreadsheet. What happens is that in the Clients spreadsheet I have the column N where I enter a date, referring to which day the customer problem has been fixed. What I needed was that when this information was inserted in column N, I would take the client code (column A) of the respective row, date of today(Now), the value inserted in column N and the user, go to sheet "LOG" and save the information in the sequence from column A and the next available row. Below follows the code that performs exactly this.

Public wsLog As Worksheet
Public nUsu As String

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("N1:N1048576")) Is Nothing Then
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Dim Rng As Range
        Set wsLog = Sheets("LOG")
        Dim codCli As Variant
        Set Rng = wsLog.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
        If nUsu = "" Then
            nUsu = InputBox("Digite seu nome!")
            MsgBox "Olá " & nUsu & "!"
        End If
        codCli = Target.Offset(, -13).Value
        With Rng
            .Value = codCli
            .Offset(, 1).Value = Now
            .Offset(, 2) = Target.Value
            .Offset(, 3) = nUsu
        End With
    End If
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Su


I also made some validations, for example if changing the cell in column N and Nusu(stores the user name) is empty, open an inputbox to enter the name. I will still implement other things, such as asking user and password when opening the spreadsheet to have a greater security but this needs a little more study rs.

I hope you help someone out there. Hug

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