Event fired twice in Jquery click


Viewed 161 times


I am on time having problems with jQuery events. I have used all the best practices to stop the double event of click. Following are examples:


Always when there is a click I perform this function

function LoadingTela(botao,tipo) {
     if (tipo == true) {
       $(botao).prop("disabled", true); 
     }else { 
       $(botao).prop("disabled", false); 

Has anyone come up with any solution or new event control?

  • did not understand... you work with the event of double click or want to disable the bind after the user click once?

  • How you are handling the click event (what calls the function)?

  • It’s not just doing $('#botao').off('click').on('click', clickHandler);? At the time of registering clickHandler()?

  • Always when the user clicks on a button once the event and fired twice, yesterday I canceled almost 1000 nf because of this :(

  • I’m doing like this $('#div').off().on('click','#botao');

  • What is the #botao in .on('click', '#botao')?

  • @Marcelouchimura to be more exact my code is like this $('#divEmitirCTE').off().on('click', '#btnEmitirCTE' ,function (event) { 
 //aqui faco as verificações e chamo o metodo ajax Algo(); 

  • 1

    You are removing the events in #divEmitirCTE and then put on #btnEmitirCTE! Why don’t you $('#btnEmitirCTE').off('click').on('click', function (event) { ... });?

  • 1

    If in one click the "event" fires twice you must be making the bind more than once

  • @Marcelouchimura the off() is executed before the on() ?

  • @Guilhermezio, yes, in the order they appear, in the call

  • @Marcelouchimura as then he removes the event added in on()

  • @Guillhermezio, the off(type) withdraw (undo the Binding) any event of the kind type

  • http://api.jquery.com/off/

  • bind and unbind or on and off is to complicate unnecessarily. It would be better to do the on based on a above element using the target as selector, thus: $(document).on('click','#botao', function(){...});. This way you have no problem with registering multiple times the click event

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