Error loading a video and creating an object in Django


Viewed 24 times


My function in Django will receive a video from my site, is working normally. So I created the function create:

   def create(self, request):
       Video.objects.create(['file'], creator=self.request.user)
       return Response('ok')

I will set the function my way. But when I upload a file from my disk:['file'] = open('/home/developer/Pictures/teste.webm') You’re giving me a terrible mistake:

   def create(self, request):['file'] = open('/home/developer/Pictures/teste.webm')
       Video.objects.create(['file'], creator=self.request.user)
       return Response('ok')

Output: *** TypeError: readonly attribute

So I checked the type of my variables.

(Pdb) type(['file'])
<class 'django.core.files.uploadedfile.InMemoryUploadedFile'>
(Pdb)['file'] = open('/home/developer/Pictures/teste.webm')
(Pdb) type(['file'])
<type 'file'>

Ok, I know my variables have different types, but how I make my local file in type: <class 'django.core.files.uploadedfile.InMemoryUploadedFile'>

  • Have you tried File(file=open('...')) where from django.core.files.base import File? In fact, the mistake you made there is because you are trying to assign a value in, which is read-only.

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